服務項目 Services Item

筆記型電腦服務- Laptop Services
筆記型電腦專業維修、買賣,本公司為Apple IRP獨立維修中心,提供Macbook原廠零件維修
Professional maintenance and trading of laptops. Our company is an Apple IRP (Independent Repair Provider) and offers repairs using genuine Macbook parts

桌上型電腦服務-Desktop Computer Services
Professional maintenance and trading of various types of desktop computers.

手機維修- Mobile Phone Repair
本公司為Apple IRP獨立維修中心,提供手機、平板原廠零件維修
Our company is an Apple IRP (Independent Repair Provider) and offers repairs using genuine parts for phones and tablets

工業電腦維修 - Industrial computer repair.
Repair of various IPCs, HMIs, and other industrial computer motherboards (excluding high-voltage driver boards).

門禁、弱電系統建構 - Access Control and Low Voltage System Construction
ST, SOYAL Access Control System Construction and Maintenance
Tongxun Telephone Exchange Construction and Installation

網路環境建構 - Network Environment Construction
Construction and Maintenance of Various Physical Network Environments

視窗化軟體程式設計 - Windows-Based Software Program Design
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Software Design with SQL or MySQL Database Configuration

奕飛資訊商用軟體經銷 -i-Freelancer Commercial Software Distribution
進銷存軟體-Inventory Management Software
維修進銷存軟體-Maintenance Inventory Management Software
電子發票整合系統-Electronic Invoice Integration System
電子發票模組-Electronic Invoice Module